Product Description
Ranger R745 Tire Changer - DST2420 Balancer - Tape Wheel Weights Package
(1) R745-110V + (1) DST2420-110-220V + (1) Tape Wheel Weights / Blk. & Slv. 1400 pc.
Included in this Package Deal
R745 - Tire Changer / Swing Arm / 21" Capacity
The Ranger R745 is a basic tire changer for entry-level tire and wheel service. It's ideal for performing rapid wheel service on most types of passenger wheels, as well as spare tires and trailer tires.
DST2420 - Wheel Balancer / 40 mm Shaft / 30" Maximum Wheel Diameter Capacity
The highly accurate DST-2420 dynamic wheel balancer ensures an accurate result within hundredths of an ounce, so you can give your clients vibration-free wheel balance every time. We keep your business "rolling."
Tape Wheel Weights - Adhesive Steel Wheel Weights / Combo / ROLLS (1400 pcs. - 0.25 oz. - 1/2" Wide - 22 lbs.)
This combo Quick-Peel™ adhesive steel wheel weights are an effective and environmentally friendly way to quickly balance wheels using as little weight as possible.

Pick Up and Delivery
Our Pick Up locations for Bendpak/Dannmar/Ranger are located in Santa Paula, California & Theodore, Alabama.
Call, text, or chat with us if you have questions.



