Best Place to Install a Car Lift - Garage Layout Tips thumbnail image

Best Place to Install a Car Lift - Garage Layout Tips

Estimated 0 min read

Author: DavidMay 21st 2024

Many customers ask us where to put their two-post lift in the garage. The best spot can vary a lot. It depends on your garage's size, how high the ceiling is, and the room in front and behind the lift.

There are some key points to keep in mind when picking a spot for your lift.

My shop area is about 40' and the lift stands about 13' from the door. I considered moving it further back. But, I need the lift to be easy to use without moving things around.

There's a project I'm working on near the lift and the back wall. I wanted to make sure I could still work on it with the lift in place.


Setting up a car lift in your garage needs careful thought. The location of the car lift affects how well it works and how safe it is. We'll look at why where you put the lift matters and what factors to keep in mind for the best spot.

The Importance of Proper Car Lift Placement

Choosing the right spot for a car lift is key to a tidy garage. The best spot makes it easy to move around the vehicle and reach tools and parts. It also helps use the garage space smartly.

Factors to Consider for Optimal Lift Location

Many things influence where to place your car lift. Things like garage space, ceiling height, and surrounding equipment matter a lot. Thinking about these factors helps make sure your vehicle lift fits well and is convenient to use.

where is the best place to put a car lift

Choosing the best spot for your car lift means thinking about the space in front of it. This is very based on the type of arms your lift has. If your lift has asymmetric arms, place it so the middle is 9-10 feet from the front wall. For symmetric arms, it's better to have the center at about 12 feet from the front.

Determining the Distance from the Front Wall

For certain lifts, like the Atlas PV-10P with its versatile arms, you have more leeway. With these lifts, putting the columns about 10 feet from the wall is ideal. They make it easier to adjust the car's position without issues.

Asymmetric vs Symmetric Lift Arm Positioning

The choice between asymmetric and symmetric arms is crucial for your car lift's efficiency. Asymmetric arms are good if you need the vehicle's back area accessible. Symmetric arms are more flexible, spreading the car's weight evenly. Knowing this helps ensure there's enough space around your car lift for moving freely.

Assessing Available Space and Clearance

When finding the best spot for your car lift, check the space and clearance first. Think about your vehicle's size and make sure there's room to move around.

Measuring Vehicle Lengths and Lift Accessibility

Placing a car on the lift diagonally means part of it will stick out. With 30% in front and 70% behind, you need extra room at the back for the car.

If it's placed straight, you divide space equally. Then, if your car is 18 feet long, it will only reach 3 feet in front of the lift.

Ensuring Ample Space for Maneuvering

Know the length of your vehicles and consider any extra tools or gear, like a toolbox. Having enough room around the lift makes it safe and easy to work in your garage.

Considerations for Ceiling Height

Choosing your car lift's spot means thinking about how high your ceiling is. The size and weight of your vehicle, and any extra tools you have, matter a lot. They affect where the best place for your lift would be.

For instance, if your garage bay is 25 feet but your truck is 23 feet long, you won't have much room left. Or, if you're bigger and need more space than usual, you must plan for that. A giant toolbox means you also need more space. You have to be sure your lift spot gives you enough room all around.

It's crucial to really think about how high your ceiling is and what you'll be lifting. This way, you can make sure your car lift fits well in your garage. You need enough space to work and keep everything safe.

Concrete Floor Quality and Stability

Choosing where to put a car lift? The concrete floor's quality and stability matter a lot. 2-post lifts need a concrete base that's at least 4 inches deep. It should also have a strength of 3000 PSI or more. This lets you safely attach the lift. It makes sure it can hold the car up high.

Evaluating Concrete Depth and PSI Rating

It's vital to check the depth and strength of your garage's floor before picking a spot for your lift. You can find this out by drilling a test hole and measuring the depth. Or, you could ask a pro to take a good look. If your concrete falls short, don't worry. You might be able to fix it by adding a new layer. Or, you can reinforce it with epoxy. This will help make sure your lift is safe and steady.

Handling Cracks and Imperfections

Cement floors might have some cracks. You should think about how big they are. Small, 4-inch deep concrete with a 3000 PSI rating can handle small cracks. These tiny flaws shouldn't bother your car lift much. But if the cracks are big, you might need to do something about them. Topping them off with epoxy is one solution. Or, you might need to pick a different spot for your lift. Think it through. Taking the right steps will keep your lift stable and safe for a long time.

Planning for Efficient Workflow

Figuring out where to place a car lift is crucial for a smooth workflow in your garage. If you put it near important work areas and tools, you’ll save time and effort. It makes your work area more efficient and organized.

Positioning the Lift Near Workbenches and Tools

Keeping the car lift close to your workbenches and tools makes your work faster. You won't have to walk far to get what you need for a job. Make sure the garage lift installation is smart, saving you steps and time.

Allowing Access to Different Work Areas

It's not just about where you put the vehicle lift. The layout of your whole garage or workspace matters too. You should be able to reach all work spots easily, like tool areas and storage. This makes working on the car easier and more efficient when you can get to everything you need without a hassle.

Plan smartly where to put the ideal spot for car lift and its links to your work areas. This creates a work area that boosts your productivity. It also improves how your home auto lift setup works for you.

Garage Door Alignment and Access

Figuring out where to place your car lift is crucial. It helps a lot when it's in sync with your garage doors. This way, loading vehicles onto a trailer becomes a lot easier. Moreover, it makes using a forklift for the entire pallet racking system smoother.

Aligning the Lift with Garage Doors

Aligning your car lift with the garage doors makes moving vehicles in and out easier. It's great if you deal with trailers a lot or move around heavy stuff in your garage. This alignment boosts your workspace's efficiency and makes it more accessible.

Accommodating Trailer Loading and Unloading

With the lift aligned to the garage doors, handling trailers is a breeze. You can park the trailer right up against the lift for easy vehicle transfer. This is super convenient for big vehicles or moving several cars in and out.

Also, fitting the lift with the doors helps use a forklift better for the pallet racking system. It ensures a smoother material flow in your garage. This makes your work easier and keeps things tidier.

Storage and Organization Solutions

Garage space keeps getting filled, making it key to find smart storage solutions. These help keep the area tidy and clear. One great idea is using pallet racking and shelves to make the most of the vertical space.

Incorporating Pallet Racking and Shelving

I've planned out how to make my garage better. This includes buying a pallet rack to store things off the ground. With high ceilings in my garage, I can place the bottom shelf high up. This leaves room for benches underneath. It's a smart move because it keeps the floor clear for my car lift and more. This setup gives me space to store tools and parts easily.

Maximizing Vertical Space Utilization

Pallet racking is a top way to use garage space wisely. It allows me to leave the floor clear for things like my car lift. Using the garage's height, I can store items not used often up high. This opens up the floor for important car lift areas and tools.


Choosing the right spot for your 2-post lift takes a lot of thought. You should look at your space, the floor's strength, and what size your vehicles are. Using common sense and making sure you'll be safe moving around is crucial.

If you place the lift right by the garage doors, it makes loading and unloading cars easier. It also makes better use of the pallet racking system. Planning where your lift goes helps create a neat, functional garage that fits your needs.

Keep in mind important aspects like lift placement, installation, and usage. Carefully think about where to place the lift for your automotive jobs.

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